Daily cryptocurrency data (transaction count, on-chain transaction volume, value of created coins, price, market cap, and exchange volume) in CSV format. The data sample stretches back to December 2013. Daily on-chain transaction volume is calculated as the sum of all transaction outputs belonging to the blocks mined on the given day. “Change” outputs are not included. Transaction count figure doesn’t include coinbase transactions. Zcash figures for on-chain volume and transaction count reflect data collected for transparent transactions only. In the last month, 10.5% (11/18/17) of ZEC transactions were shielded, and these are excluded from the analysis due to their private nature. Thus transaction volume figures in reality are higher than the estimate presented here, and NVT and exchange to transaction value lower. Data on shielded and transparent transactions can be found here and here. Decred data doesn’t include tickets and voting transactions. Monero transaction volume is impossible to calculate due to RingCT which hides transaction amounts.